Tuesday, February 28, 2012

With reason you LIVE and with reason you DIE

It’s been sometime when I started observing the behaviors of the people in the society; I always wondered how people just keep doing things which though look unjust? I always wonder how someone can gather such courage to take certain action which though seem very offensive to society. I wonder how difficult it is to follow the religion because it looks difficult. It feels difficult. I wonder when Allah says I have made this religion easy, but it is always out of reach. I wonder when Allah says he is

“The Entirely Merciful, the Especially Merciful” الرَّحْمَـٰنِ الرَّحِيمِ

But still people are suffering, they are devoting days and nights for Allah and on the same time they are in a state that if they had a chance they never have done this. They find escape routes just because they do this in a state of fear. After all this hardship Allah is still out of reach

I Always wondered how our leaders; political, social, religious all have been twisting things around and they always have some reasonable justification. I am calling it reasonable because they were always, one way or another, were able to sell it.

I think there is one and only one reason for all these things that I have been wondering since sometime. In our society we don’t have a culture of confrontation. Confrontation
Things happen, actions are taken, words are spoken and there is no confrontation, and results start getting persistent, things happen, actions taken, words spoken and there is no confrontation and results are accepted. This keep on going and soon the acceptance convert into truth and finally, it shapes results in terms of a belief. Once this belief has been established whatever society do, they think they are doing it right, in fact, they are using “Wrong ways of doing Right Things”. Taking your “Right” is a right thing, getting it through discrimination is the Wrong way.

All the things that are being done to the society, you will find these at a different level or stages from persistence, acceptance, and truth and believe. Just because, we have not confronted these things on the previous level and just let it go. Most of the people just don’t conform because they think that the persistence of a particular behavior in a society is not going to impact him, but he is never sure when this persistence will become a truth and it will really hurt him. On the other hand, we have people do confrontation on the other side and pave the way for these behaviors.

Where we actually fail as a society? We fail when we discuss different behaviors in terms of the level of the above four categories. We never discuss things in their actual terms. E.g. wearing a certain dress will be discussed in terms of what is being worn by the people in the media, saying that “this is the trend we have”. Did we ever have thought how come a human blasts himself in a public place or in a masjid? He does it because the social injustice has gone through from persistence state to a belief state and none confronted it. So he made a belief on the other side and went for what he believed in. once this belief has been established he is not feeling any shame, he does not have any fear. In fact, he has adopted a “Right way of doing Wrong thing”. Taking revenge is a right thing, but taking the lives of innocents is a Wrong thing.

This is our choice, either we start confronting the injustice today and stop the building of “Right ways of doing Wrong thing” and at the same time we will be stopping building of “Wrong way of doing right things”.

The biggest injustice that we are doing is with Islam, the religion Allah says is the Best of all. We have done the injustice with the religion to let others inject there wrong practices and interpretation of religion leading the majority to follow rituals than actually knowing the purpose and knowing Allah himself. We have done the injustice with the most beloved creating of Allah, Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and we have not realized him as we were supposed to be, rather we have made his so superior that we think he is too difficult to be adopted. Did Allah sent him to this world for this?
This is the mistake which Jews and Christians did; they thought Prophet of Allah cannot be human, so they made him (Prophet) God himself, or they divided the God in three, or they made a son of God.
Don’t we think that one way or other we are doing the same by developing wrong believes?

“It is You we worship and You we ask for help.”

There is no doubt that if there is anything important, superior, lovable, respectable after Allah, it’s the Prophet Muhammad PBUH. But it is after Allah.

Now the question arises, does it end at confrontation? Actually it doesn’t, if you are confronting please do not confront unless you cannot challenge it. All these challenges must be based on principles, facts and reasons. You cannot believe unless you can comprehend it yourself on the correct measures. Comprehension requires study, efforts, wisdom. Where we will get this wisdom? I believe Allah has given this ability to know the truth to all.

And [mention, O Muhammad], when your Lord said to the angels, "Indeed, I will make upon the earth a successive authority." They said, "Will You place upon it one who causes corruption therein and sheds blood, while we declare Your praise and sanctify You?" Allah said, "Indeed, I know that which you do not know." And He taught Adam the names - all of them. Then He showed them to the angels and said, "Inform Me of the names of these, if you are truthful." They said, "Exalted are You; we have no knowledge except what You have taught us. Indeed, it is You who is the Knowing, the Wise."
He said, "O Adam, inform them of their names." And when he had informed them of their names, He said, "Did I not tell you that I know the unseen [aspects] of the heavens and the earth? And I know what you reveal and what you have concealed." And [mention] when We said to the angels, "Prostrate before Adam"; so they prostrated, except for Iblees. He refused and was arrogant and became of the disbelievers.

We as human have been differentiated on the basis of the ability of knowing, we have been declared superior just because Allah has blessed us with this. It was not Adam himself as a creature to which Allah has asked the angels to “Prostrate before Adam” but it was that knowledge, that wisdom which Allah has given to him.

If we are not using that wisdom, that knowledge, that blessing to Know Allah, know the religion as Allah has wanted, we are for sure not confronting our illness of minds, our ignorance and our distractions.
What Allah wants? Allah wants to see who obeys, and who disobeys. Surely people do have the information about Islam, but there is surely a lack of knowledge.

If we are not confronting and challenging ourselves, are we not disobeying?
This disobedience has not caused us to reach at a state of humiliation we are in right now as Muslims? This disobedience has not made the purest religion on earth a question mark? Yes, surely it did.

Have we not forgotten to use this blessing, we would have fore sure the best people on the face of earth, we surely would have given this religion the respect, the status which Allah have wanted us from.

Confrontation is nothing but knowing things in reality by challenging with reasons based on knowledge. Confrontation is for no one but for “YOU”

With reason you LIVE and with reason you DIE

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